Wait what!? Did Me|Now, which is a first principles indictment of our political economic condition just turn into the highly performing teams stuff? That bit about enlightened individuals being not enough due to the emergent properties of teams? Hmmm. And is it because enlightenments, like specifications, are only projections of a higher dimensional reality on a tractable parchment? Or is it less effable than that?… Too many puzzle pieces clamoring. Let it coalesce a bit.

Q: How are we this animal most different from all other animals? A: Our substrate for accumulating knowledge.

Also what’s with the commitment to remembering bitter times with bitter herbs? Is that really a healthy approach? Or is it more along the lines of the spectacularly bad plan: “I’ll worry about that later.”?

Valerie is convinced that women in power will (she’s optimistic about will vs would) make for a much better world. A child of the 60’s for sure. I’m sanguine, but an interesting question is: what would be the dysfunctions that persist or arise? I need to know (or at least ponder) or else I get a headache (or is it a tummy ache?).